4-H BBQ Contest

4-H BBQ Contest
Last Revised: Jun 21st, 2024
Event Description
Agricultural Building - Superintendent Sheryl Bailey
Registration 1:00 PM Contest 1:30 PM
Agricultural Building - Superintendent Sheryl Bailey
For information call the Hart Co. Extension Office at 270-524-2451
This event is open to all Hart County 4-H’ers interested in the cooking project. Rules may be obtained by calling the Hart County Extension Office at 270-524-2451.
ll be awarded in each division.
1. This event is open to all Hart County 4-H youth age 9-18 as of Jan. 1, 2024.
2. There can be no open res on fairgrounds, so participants must prepare entries in advance. Work must be done by 4-H’er.
3. Crock pots may be used in preparation.
4. The Beef division is limited to shredded or sliced beef.
5. Any sauce is acceptable, but homemade sauces are encouraged.
6. The appearance of the entry before the judges start will be considered in case of a tie.
7. Participants may bring bread for their entries but the judges will not use any kind of bread to judge entries.
8. The judges may consume the entire entry.
9. Winners may be asked to share their recipe.
4-H Beef Bar-B-Que Contest
Sponsor: Hart County Cattlemen’s Association
Prizes: 1st-$100, 2nd -$60 and 3rd place - $35
4-H Pork Bar-B-Que Contest
Sponsor: Alvey’s Towing & Recovery and Tri County Auto & Oil
Prizes: 1st-$75, 2nd-$50, and 3rd place-$35
4-H Fowl (Chicken/Turkey) Bar-B-Que Contest
Sponsor: Alvey’s Towing & Recovery and Tri County Auto & Oil
Prizes: 1st-$75, 2nd-$50, and 3rd-$35 place
Cloverseed/Cloverbud Division: All 4-H youth ages 8 yrs. old and under must follow the rules set forth. A champion will be named for each division. Prizes will be non-monetary. Sponsored by the Hart County 4-H Council.
* Food items become property of the Fair & will not be returned