MCA 4-H Teen Council
Event Description
The Mammoth Cave Area Teen Council would like to invite ALL 4-H Teens (Grades 8-12) to join us for our January Meeting. Barren County is hosting our THIRD meeting
January's MCA Teen Council Meeting will take place on Monday January 13th @ 5:00 PM will be at the Barren County Extension Office at: 1463 West Main Street Glasgow, KY 42141
At this meeting, we will have a business meeting followed by a Service Learning Lesson. No meal is provided at this meeting, however, counties may choose to grab dinner afterwards at a nearby Mexican Restaurant. If planning to eat dinner afterwards, I might recommend youth bringing approx. $10-20 to eat on. Dinner may take approx. 1 hour.
There is no registration fee for this meeting BUT Attendees are asked to bring 2-3 (or more) items for the Barren County Food Pantry.
Food Donation Suggestions (Shelf Stable = No Refrigeration):
Canned Food Items
Dinner Meal Kits
Instant Items
Birthday Cake Kits
PLEASE RSVP to the office no later than noon on Wed. January 8th. Transportation will be provided from the Hart County Office.