Event & Program Paperwork
Event & Program Paperwork
Here are forms and information related to current programs & events.
4-H Camp information can be found here
Krispy Kreme Fundraiser
Youth may sell doughnuts to help pay for 4-H Summer Camp, Teen Conference, Camp Jekyll, and Teen Summit
Orders are due by March 6th. Orders will be available for pick-up on March 11th
County Talk Meet\/ Mock Interviews
Talk Meet- February 20th - 5:30PM- Registration deadline February 14th Call the office to register.
Youth compete in their 4-H Age Division ( 9 year old, 10 year old, etc.)
County Demonstration Contest
Demonstration Contest -March 6th - 5:30pm- Registration Deadline February 28th Call the office to register. Please know what category you will be entering.
Contest will be held at HCHS.
4-H State Officer Applications
Completed applications are due electronically by April 1st
Open to youth between the ages of 16 and 18 based on January 1st of the application year.
State Teen Council Applications
Youth interested in applying to be a member of State Teen Council must fill out an application and return to the Extension Office by April 1st. Applicants must be 15-18 by 4-H age.
4-H Senior Forestry Judging Contest and 4-H Wildlife Challenge Contest
Tuesday, April 15th
Raven Run Nature Sanctuary, 3885 Raven Run Way, Lexington, KY 40515
4-H members can choose to compete in one or both contests. For each contest, they must decide if they are competing as an individual or as part of a team.
Event Details
Registration Opens: 9:15 AM ET
Contests Begin: 9:30 AM ET
Note: Lunch/drinks are NOT provided.
Kentucky 4-H Senior Forestry Judging Contest
See the attached rules for the contest. Rules
Youth can participate as an individual or as part of a team.
Only senior level 4-Hers can participate. Junior level members are not eligible.
Fee: $3/person
Kentucky 4-H Wildlife Challenge Contest
See the attached rules for the contest. Rules
Youth can participate as an individual or as part of a team.
Junior and senior level 4-Hers can participate.
Fee: $3/person
Deadline to register for Both Events is March 14th Registration Form
2025 4-H Horse Camp
April 25th-27th
WKU Expo Center
Registration Paperwork will be available in February
4-H Poster Contest
1. 4-H is the topic of the poster. (Show what you think 4-H is, what you do in 4-H, what 4-H does for others, promote 4-H –use your imagination)
2. Well known cartoon characters cannot be used because they are copyrighted
3. The 4-H’ers name, age (as of January 1, 2025), county and a brief artwork interpretative statement must be affixed to the back in the upper left hand corner.
1. All posters must be designed on, or affixed to, 1/2 of a poster board. They may be horizontal or vertical. Posters may be produced by any medium...watercolor, ink, crayon, acrylic, charcoal, oils, collage so long as they are not three dimensional.
Posters are due by May 1st
4-H Teen Conference
June 10th-13th
University of Kentucky Campus
Registration Information will be available at a later date
2025 4-H State Horse Contest
June 17 (Judging) and June 18 (all other events).
Location: Locust Trace Agriscience Center
3591 Leestown Rd. Lexington, KY 40511
More information can be found here https://afs.ca.uky.edu/4h-youth/horse/event/ky-state-horse-contest
Kentucky State Fair 4-H Horse Show
June 28-July 2, 2025 Kentucky Fair and Expo Center, Louisville, KY
Kentucky 4-H Communication Contest
Speech, Demonstration, and Mock Job Interview Contests
Youth must win at the county and area contest to advance to the state contest.
Date: Saturday, July 12, 2025
Location: Red Oak Elementary School, Nicholasville, KY (tentative)